Teresa Romeu

Teresa Romeu holds a PhD in Information Society and Knowledge (UOC). She is an associate professor in the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, specializing in the field of Digital Competence. She coordinates the “ICT Competencies” courses in various degree programs. She also coordinates the Online Teaching track of the Master’s in Education and ICT, where she also teaches, as well as the Postgraduate program in Leadership and Management of Educational Centers. Additionally, she coordinates the initial training that is conducted online for new faculty joining the UOC.

She is a researcher in the consolidated research group Edul@b on Education and ICT. Her research focuses on online teaching, networked collaboration, and digital competence in different contexts: citizens, teachers, health professionals, and both university and non-university students, as well as learning ecologies and learning analytics.

Throughout these years, she has participated in over 20 competitive research projects, both European and national. She has also been involved in more than 10 transfer projects related to her research field. The total number of articles published in indexed journals exceeds 20 publications. She regularly participates in scientific meetings (congresses, conferences, workshops, seminars, etc.) and is a reviewer for national and international scientific journals. She supervises 7 PhD theses, of which 4 have already been defended.


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