RURALINK: Connecting Coworking and Rural Environments

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RURALINK: Connecting Coworking and Rural Environments is a project that aims to analyze and understand the connection between rural coworking spaces and their local contexts in Catalonia. This initiative arises from the need to better understand the bidirectional impact between these spaces, their users, and the rural communities in which they are embedded. Through applied research and collaboration with the Cowocat_Rural network (which includes more than 40 coworking spaces in Catalonia’s rural areas), the project seeks to provide valuable insights to foster territorial revitalization and sustainable development in these regions.

The project has a twofold objective: first, to analyze the interactions and dynamics generated between rural coworking spaces and local stakeholders, with special attention to synergies and tensions that arise. Second, to generate a knowledge transfer process that enables rural actors to better leverage the potential of these spaces to boost the local economy, attract and retain talent, and strengthen the social fabric. The ultimate goal is to contribute to a more sustainable and resilient rural development model, identifying best practices and proposing concrete strategies to support rural coworking spaces.

The project is based on qualitative and participatory research techniques. It will include semi-structured interviews with coworking space facilitators, managers, and users (both locals and visitors), as well as on-site observations and informal conversations with local stakeholders. Additionally, a final workshop will be held in a rural setting, where findings will be shared and discussed with relevant actors, fostering knowledge transfer and co-creation of new territorial revitalization strategies. As a result, the project will produce scientific articles, outreach materials, and strategic recommendations to enhance the role of rural coworking spaces in the transformation and revitalization of these territories.

Project details

  • Funding: Not funded.
  • Project start: N/A.
  • Project end: N/A.
  • Principal investigators: Inés Gutiérrez Cueli and Carles Méndez-Ortega
  • Research team: Mar Alsina Folch, Lluís Garay Tamajón, Jorge Arturo Villarreal Valtierra, and Julie Wilson
  • Research groups: i2TIC-IA Lab and NOUTUR (UOC)


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