Research lines

The UOC Rural structures its lines of research between the different research missions of our university. It aims to be a meeting point for these missions and the units that form it, working transversally to achieve a framework of interdisciplinarity and broad collaboration.

Currently, we are working on the following lines of research:

  • Regions in digital transition: socioeconomic, gender and environmental opportunities and inequalities created by global digitization processes
  • Tourism, sustainability and regenerative processes in rural areas
  • The role of tourism, art and culture in creating new narratives of rural realities
  • Communities and participatory governance
  • The role of artistic creation and art in mobilizing and empowering rural areas
  • Housing in the rural world: factors and implications of rural depopulation and repopulation processes
  • Social cohesion and equal opportunities from an intersectional perspective
  • Employability and entrepreneurship: developing economic and social transformation processes
  • The social and collaborative economy in the rural world
  • Health, ageing and care in the rural world
  • Digital literacy and the creation of connected and secure rural societies
  • Configuration and impact of ecological and energy transitions in rural areas

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