UOC Rural Digital

A digital training programme promoted by Edul@b and the UOC Rural Network, aimed at people living in rural towns or areas with up to 5,000 inhabitants, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan

UOC Rural Digital is designed to help citizens acquire basic digital skills, so that they can operate with confidence and security when communicating, obtaining information or carrying out transactions, such as purchasing, interacting with and relating to Public Administrations, as well as solving simple and common problems in the digital environment.

The aim of the programme is to train in basic digital skills, help reduce the digital divide and empower rural communities with the acquisition and improvement of essential skills for their daily lives.

The programme is structured into 8 courses with a maximum dedication of 25 hours each (1 ECTS credit), contextualised in the challenges and specific needs of rural areas and communities and designed to develop digital skills in an applied, adaptive and meaningful way.

The courses are online, free and easily accessible, adaptable and flexible to the availability of time and connection and to the needs of each person. A mentor accompanies the student throughout the programme and dynamises knowledge, experiences and concerns around digital skills. Teaching supports students, ensuring that they acquire basic digital skills. A community of practice is the space for creating a network and expanding the link between students, the UOC and the rural context. It will serve to address different topics on digitalisation but also on the challenges facing contemporary rural areas. A self-assessment test allows students to measure their level of digital competence, to know their needs and which courses are most suitable for them. Each course taken gives rise to a Training Certificate based on the dedication invested.
The evaluation of the impact of the training received closes the cycle of the programme. For this reason, a Research team is formed that must design, monitor and validate a model for evaluating the impact of the training received on the digital empowerment of citizens and on the processes of digitalisation and innovation in rural areas. This model can be transferred to other digital training programmes that may be carried out in the future and the knowledge generated can be the basis for the design of public policies related to the digitalisation of the Spanish rural area.

Project details:

  • Funding: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico
  • Project Start Date: January 2025
  • Project End Date: March 2026
  • Co-principal investigators: Teresa Romeu (Edul@b) y Soledad Morales (Red UOC Rural)
  • Researchers: Helena Antolín, Delia Español y Montse Guitert
  • Project team:
    • Toni Espadas, Emi Fresneda y Xavi Oliva – Formación In Company (UOC)
    • Carles Rocadembosch (Red UOC Rural)

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